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"From out of the dark"

From Out Of The Dark

From out of the dark is a collection of 6 songs finished during the infamous Covid lockdown of 2020, drawing musical influences from many different genres and based on different themes close to my heart.

Some with a narrative, others about how I felt a particular junction in life, playing music, writing and recording songs has been a great outlet for me and helped me deal with and express myself in a productive fashion.

With no single genre over the six songs I decided to put them out as From out of the dark, to show how something good can come from the darkness. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed making them.

I appreciate so much all the friends and family who have helped critique these tracks ready for public consumption. Thanks also to my younger sister, Hannah, for providing her vocal talents and lyric writing on two of the songs.

Please listen below and follow me on all of my social networks using the links above.

Matt x

#FantasticBeasts and Where To Find Them play script - Spoiler free thoughts! #HarryPotter

I remember when the Fantastic Beasts text book was released many moons ago by JKRowling in aid of comic relief. This tie-in, along with Quiditch through the ages were excellent little spin offs, so I was a tad worried when I heard a film was being created on the concept, and when I saw the play script released as a book I sighed and felt it was a bit of a money spinning venture for the Potter series.

The film however, I was pleasantly surprised with. I think that it was created, bar the original concept, from the ground up to be a film that it actually stands up very well on it's own, where as the Potter films I always thought were a bit lacking compared to the books until really The Deathly Hallows. I always prefer books to movies, but The Death Hallows parts one and two felt like proper films in their own rights - not book to movie conversions like the others. Fantastic Beasts is definitely like this, and tells the story of future noted wizarding author Newt Scamander and his trip to America with some rather interesting companions. The film has an amazing cast, soundtrack and is filmed very well, with a good mix of thrills, laughs and plot.

I saw the film prior to reading the book of the script, which I think helped during reading. For some reason, it's just better reading the written words. It just is. I'm not sure why, or even how but there's something about reading the story that really involves you in the plot, despite the inclusion of stage directions and other instructions. It takes what you've seen and somehow enhances it, allowing your mind's eye to add it's own extra details where you deem necessary and essentially creates your own custom version of the film in your head. Of this, I approve!

The hardback copy of the book is also completely stunning - these sleeve with it's emobossed gold patterns and the swirly illustrations of some of the creations included at the beginning of scene's really do enrich things, and I enjoyed this experience as much as I did 'The Cursed Child'.

Definitely recommended for any Potterheads out there, though I know they've all read and seen Fantastic Beasts a gazillion times already!

Thanks for reading!

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