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"From out of the dark"

From Out Of The Dark

From out of the dark is a collection of 6 songs finished during the infamous Covid lockdown of 2020, drawing musical influences from many different genres and based on different themes close to my heart.

Some with a narrative, others about how I felt a particular junction in life, playing music, writing and recording songs has been a great outlet for me and helped me deal with and express myself in a productive fashion.

With no single genre over the six songs I decided to put them out as From out of the dark, to show how something good can come from the darkness. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed making them.

I appreciate so much all the friends and family who have helped critique these tracks ready for public consumption. Thanks also to my younger sister, Hannah, for providing her vocal talents and lyric writing on two of the songs.

Please listen below and follow me on all of my social networks using the links above.

Matt x

#TheKnackOfLife by Trisha Rainsford mini book review

I was lent this book by my mother and went into it with a very sceptical head on, as my mum and I don't often see eye to eye on the same reading matte rial. She often prefers something lighter with a nice, tidy ending where as I'm open to oddities and strange works of science fiction.

Despite it's flaws, I quite enjoyed the Knack Of Life by Trisha Rainsford and it made for an absorbing read whilst on my holiday, and I'd recommend it to fans of easy to digest crime fiction, looking for a short escape whilst relaxing on a sun lounger on the deck of the Arcadia...

I think I related quite while the main character, Seamus, who see's his friend Mattie, who had helped him through some rough post divorce trauma, shot in the dark of the Irish night with a shotgun.

He then slumps ever further into a depression, but is encouraged by his room mate and cousin to investigate the causes of the murder for themselves. With a few twists and turns along the way, and some discoveries about the Irish locals, Seamus is forced to do some soul searching and to grow up quickly to help get him out of the climatic "Poirot in the drawing room" styled peak of the story.

I also liked the titles of the chapters being pop songs, though this is because I'm a shameless pop fan and not because it actually adds anything to the book's composition.

I also enjoyed how so many of the social interactions revolve around tea, toast and coffee...

Occasionally clumsily written, The Knack Of Life is unpredictable enough with a likeable cast to absorb you and see you through a short holiday. Go for it.

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