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"From out of the dark"

From Out Of The Dark

From out of the dark is a collection of 6 songs finished during the infamous Covid lockdown of 2020, drawing musical influences from many different genres and based on different themes close to my heart.

Some with a narrative, others about how I felt a particular junction in life, playing music, writing and recording songs has been a great outlet for me and helped me deal with and express myself in a productive fashion.

With no single genre over the six songs I decided to put them out as From out of the dark, to show how something good can come from the darkness. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed making them.

I appreciate so much all the friends and family who have helped critique these tracks ready for public consumption. Thanks also to my younger sister, Hannah, for providing her vocal talents and lyric writing on two of the songs.

Please listen below and follow me on all of my social networks using the links above.

Matt x

The Lost Woods Play Along Piano Video - The Legend Of Zelda

Marioverehrer’s YouTube channel is dedicated to ‘learn it yourself’ piano videos, designed to play along with whilst having a graphical score and actual keyboard to look at, so the ability to read musical notation is moot when using these tutorials.

There’s no vocal introduction or visual gumpf – just a text title and the block note score, which comes towards you in Guitar Hero style, the blocks hitting the keyboard at the exact moment you should play.

The quality of the Audio is decent enough, a high level of MIDI, but I personally would’ve liked the actual score as well, and maybe some Legend Of Zelda themed embellishments just to add that personal touch to the video.

The Lost Woods is a bit of the equivalent of a tongue twister for piano, and I’d also have liked the option to switch to a lower tempo, before trying the piece at full speed.

Still, the idea is good and works well, and if you want to learn one of Ocarina Of Time’s iconic tunes you could do a lot worse than starting here.

See the video below, or click here to see it on YouTube! Thanks for reading. 

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